Eveque 2020 Sportshall Athletics & Gym Mat Catalogue
£10.45 each
Primary Shot A
The soft vinyl Primary Shot (600g) is safe and durable for both indoor and outdoor activity. Available in red, yellow, green, blue. Primary age use.
101587 600g Primary Shot
Primary Shot PAK B
£44.10 each
Set of four comes complete with a protective carrying case and activity card. Primary age use. 101588 Primary Shot PAK £44.10
Indoor Shot PAK C
Indoor Shot official weights for Sportshall competition use. Contains 1 x 2.72kg, 1 x 3.00kg and 1 x 4.00kg indoor shot. Secondary age use.
Sportshall Equipment
£69.90 each
101692 Indoor Shot PAK
Portable Shot Circle D
Timber construction in two sections for easy handling and storage. Comes complete with fixed stop board. 101190 Shot Circle Timber construction in two sections for easy handling and storage. 101165 Discus Circle Portable Discus Circle E £985.05 £911.95
£911.95 each FREE DELIVERY D
£985.05 each FREE DELIVERY E
£595.25 each FREE DELIVERY F
Timber construction in four sections for easy handling and storage. Sections fit insidie the Discus Circle rim and are secured in place with screws. 104325 Discus - Shot Circle Conversion Discus Circle to Shot Circle Conversion F £595.25
Primary Discus G
Lightweight hollow vinyl Discus designed for children’s hands. Ideal for use with children at the primary level and for Pacesetter training activities. Available in red, yellow, green or blue. Primary age use. 101555 Primary Discus £9.45
£43.05 each
Primary Discus PAK H
The set of four Primary Discus comes complete with protective carrying case and activity card. Primary age use. The set of four comes complete with protective carrying case and activity. Primary age use. 101556 Primary Discus PAK £43.05
Tel: 01606 353550 • info@eveque.co.uk • www.eveque.co.uk
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