Endurance Handbook
Drills are an important part of warm up and provide a fun element to a lesson. After the first parts of a warm-up have been completed correctly it is safe to move on to running drills in which the athlete specifically prepares his or her body for the demands of an activity session. The drills carried out as part of a warm up routine should reflect the type of movements required to improve running action by giving the participant specific areas on which to focus. Drills help by improving the strength in the muscles associated with a particular part of the running action. WARMING-UP & COOLING DOWN ACTIVITIES WEB COPY ©EVEQUE
Kick Outs Start as knee lifts but instead of bringing the foot straight down, “kick” the foot out and away from the body and then bring down and back swiftly under the body. As the knee rises to its high point, do a little skip before dragging the other foot down. It is important to use the opposite arm as a balance. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE
Knee Lifts Stand tall, lift knee so that the thigh is parallel to the ground keeping the supporting leg as straight as possible. Opposite arm swings up in front. Move slowly forward alternating knees swiftly.
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