Endurance Handbook

Walking can be lots of fun and is particularly suitable if introduced to young athletes as a game as it enables large numbers to take part. With the under 13 years age group it is recommended that only the basic concept of walking be introduced. The initial emphasis should therefore be walking in a straight line and maintaining unbroken contact with the ground. The technique adopted is one in which the walker strikes the ground each step with the heel of the forward foot and the leg straight, pushing on that foot up to the toe to increase stride length and driving forward. The Head The eyes should be fixed forward, head steady and neck muscles relaxed. The head must not be allowed to roll from side-to-side at any point as this may lead to inefficiency in the rest of the technique. The Knees The knee needs to be straightened vigorously as the leg pushes the athlete onto the other foot. The general impression here is of an extension at the hip, knee and ankle with a push off the ball/toes of the foot. RACE WALKING WEB COPY ©EVEQUE



The Feet Emphasis must be on placing the inside of the heel on the ground and walking along the inside edge of the shoe along the line of progression. For this practice the lane marking lines on the track may be used. The whole foot must be brought into use and the walker must feel that they are pushing off the ball/toes of one foot onto the heel of the other. The sequence should be heel, roll, toe and push. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE


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