PaceSetter Book

Jumping Activities 5

5.2 Vertical Jumps

The following jumping activities fall into the Vertical Jumps category: Vertical Jump WEB COPY ©EVEQUE High Jump Pole Vault 5.2.1 Vertical Jump

The Vertical Jump is an internationally recognised measurement of fitness relating the ratio of leg strength to body weight and it is also an activity test that negates the advantage of height. As young athletes get fitter in terms of leg strength, their ability at this test should improve. Young athletes can be tested using either chalk marks on a wall or an adjustable Vertical Jump Measuring Board. Initially the young athlete must stand with his or her back and head touching the wall, feet flat on the floor, and must extend both arms upwards. A chalk mark is made at the fingertips or, if an adjustable Vertical Jump Measuring Board is used, the young athlete pushes the slider up to point as far as the fingers can reach. The full height is gained when both elbows are locked and the arms touch the side of the head. To prepare for the jump, the young athlete dips his or her fingers into some chalk and turns sideways to the board or wall. If the young athlete is left-handed, the chalk should be on the left fingers and the left shoulder nearest the board or wall and vice-versa for right-handed young athletes. From a standing position, the young athlete bends the knees and swings the arms for lift at take-off, touching the scale at the highest point that can be reached. The measurement is taken to the nearest centimetre below the top of the chalk mark left by the strike of the young athlete's fingers. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE


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