Endurance Handbook
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2) Pace Orienteering
The diagram shows the layout of the checkpoints for the pace orienteering game and the route shown is for an individual or pair allocated reference ‘A’. Using this layout within the confines of a track or an area the size of a football pitch, the participants will run approximately 1000 metres to complete their circuit. Eight individuals or pairs can compete simultaneously. Rules Assuming that you have decided to work with pairs: Allocate each pair a letter (or make a draw) and give them a competitor’s card and pencil. Tell each pair their starting reference i.e. the first checkpoint they visit and mark it in square one on the Score Card. Line up all eight pairs as teams at the control point and on “go” they run to the first reference. Pair ‘A’ will run to checkpoint ‘4’ where the card tells them to proceed to checkpoint ‘11’ which they record in square ‘2’. At checkpoint ‘11’ they are directed to checkpoint ‘3’ and so on until at checkpoint ‘5’ they are sent back to the finish. All pairs finish at the control centre where their recorded sequence is checked and their time recorded. Note: This is a fun event as the distance covered by each team is not quite the same, however, it is enjoyable and a very good training session. WEB COPY ©EVEQUE
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